My friend and "model," Laney, is due to deliver her first baby any minute now... she's 39w6d in these pictures! Gorgeous, right?
Put subject near a window in indirect light and meter for the subject
Looking back, I wish I'd had a sheer curtain or something to cut the harshness of the light for this one; the front of her belly is so close to blown, softening that light might have given a better effect.

Then take the same photo, but meter for the background
This is the same approach I used for our silhouette photos the other day; doing it indoors? A new idea for me! :)

Put your subject parallel to the window and place yourself (me) perpendicular to it:

Get catchlights in the subject's eyes by getting in between them and the light source. I'm standing with my back to the window here, with Laney further into the room. Catchlights are the little flecks of light in her eyes; making them seem much more "alive" (I think this is my favorite of the photos; getting her further back from the window really helped!)

Image shot at f/3.8, ISO 400, 18-70mm @ 27mm
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